Welcome to Peaks


Welcome to Peaks

By Central Women

Women mountain-lovers, welcome to PEAKS! Even if you aren’t in the top percentile of the wild-to-be-in-the-mountains group, who doesn’t love to gaze at their beauty and experience that mountain feeling? Over the next few months, together we will experience God in the mountains.

Peak 1: Introduction

Peak 2: Sleeping on Top of Mount Sinai with Heather

Peak 3: Be A "Peak-Maker" with Jessica

Peak 4: Finding Your YOU with Afton

Peak 5: Kenya Peaks with Kaylin

Peak 6: Lawyer to Bowmakers with Summer

Peak 7: Intentional Community Builder with Julie

Peak 8: Trauma to Triumph

Peak 9: Thanksgiving and Gratitude

Peak 10: Thanksgiving Challenges 

Peak 11: Intentionally Listening to God's Nudges at Christmastime

Peak 12: A Snowy Whisper: How God Answered a Simply Prayer

Peak 13: Praying Through a Child's Addiction

Peak 14: Sensing God's Nudges

Peak 15: From Coaching to Call - Trusting God's Lead

Quick Access:



Do you think it is accidental that monumental events happen on mountains throughout Scripture? How about Mount Sinai, where God gave the Mosaic law to the Israelites (Exodus 20)? Or how about Mount Zion, where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew, chapters 5-7), similar to when Moses delivered the law? How about when Solomon built the temple to the Lord in Jerusalem? Elijah and the Lord were atop Mount Carmel in discourse when our powerful God showed up with fire from heaven (I Kings 18:20-40). Moses got to view the promised land before he died on the top of Mount Nebo (Deuteronomy 32:49; 34:1). There was that mountain in Moriah where Isaac obediently went to sacrifice his son, Isaac; but God vividly showed up as the ram who was caught in the thicket, the sacrificed ram … the sacrificed Savior (Genesis 22:1-19).

Mountains are important in the Scriptures. Scholars believe that in ancient times, mountains were symbols and places where God met people and often where His power was revealed. Jesus was often found praying and meeting and teaching people from mountains. There are examples of happenings on mountains throughout the Old and New Testaments, but perhaps we fail at times to see how many mountains and peaks are in the Scriptures for us to experience, second-hand. The peaks are everywhere.

Here is another question: Do you miss the peaks throughout your life? The peaks are everywhere. Perhaps we fail to experience God in the peaks in our lives. It is easy to miss the literal stop-dead-in-your-tracks gorgeous peaks. And then there are those peaks in our relationships, peaks in our walk with Jesus, peaks in the little events in our day. Are there times when you fail to experience God in the peaks in life?

That’s what this series is about … experiencing God in the peaks.

What does this look like for you?

Without any registration, at your own convenience you can listen to or watch (via podcast or YouTube) various women as they relay peaks in their lives. It may be Heather who literally slept on the top of Mt. Sinai or it may be Jessica who is one of those blessing machines who loves to spread joy. You will be peeking into the peaks of other women to experience the big and tiny ways we could miss peaks in our own lives.

As you journey through this series, Peaks, search the Scriptures for the mountains. In the gospel of Matthew alone, there are 7 mountains mentioned:

In Matthew 4:8, after being in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights, Jesus stands up against the devil (as they look down from the mountains) when he challenges Jesus and offers him the world if he would just bow down to him? Jesus replies, “Away from me, Satan!”

In Matthew 5, Jesus displays his to love and be loved when he is seated, teaching disciples from the mountainside.

In Matthew 14:23 goes up to the mountain to pray.

In Matthew 15:29 Jesus serves and guides the serving of bread and fishes to the multitudes, to thousands.

In Chapter 17 Peter, James and John experience Jesus’ face shining like the sun and his clothes white as the light.

In Matthew 24:3-Chapter 25, Jesus is teaching lesson after lesson from the Mount of Olives. His audience is unmovable.

In Matthew 28 Jesus meets with his disciples after the resurrection. He commissions them to go out. Generations later that commission is spoken to all who read that challenge, for we are all to go out, not just the disciples. We celebrate his resurrection and we celebrate Him.

To know and be known, to love and be loved, to serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated: Jesus is the Master and He commissions us to do the same.

We get to experience Him in the peaks:

Psalm 121:1-2 “I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

We invite you to climb some peaks with us as various women share their big and small peaks and as we strive to experience God’s presence in our own peaks.

Go to the Central Women YouTube channel at: https://youtube.com/@centralwomen3698, and click the subscribe button to be notified each week when a new episode airs.

You can also listen to The Central Women Podcast on Apple, Anchor, or Spotify. Be sure to follow the podcast to be notified when it is released. It’s super easy: download The Central Women Podcast and click the follow button.

For those of you who want to dive deeper, study the Old Testament references mentioned. Go to Matthew 5 and read the Matthew references in detail. You will find many more mountain and peak references in Scripture. If you are one to journal, note the biblical experiences. Then note yours.

Friends, peaks are all around us. We are glad you are joining us!

Christine, Cassandra & Debbie
