Central Kids FAQs

Yes! We offer children’s programming at all campuses during all service times.

Yes. All our volunteers receive background checks as well as go through a thorough application and training process.

If it's your first time joining us, be sure to stop by our Children's Information desk for our team to assist you in the check-in process.

Upon check-in to Central Kids, children and parents will receive matching printed nametags and claim tickets. The child’s nametag identifies their age group/grade level and a security code that matches the adult’s claim ticket.

After service is complete, the adult will present the claim ticket they received during check-in. This code will be matched to the code on the child’s nametag before releasing the child to the adult. If you lose your claim ticket before service is over, we have a security check-out policy that our volunteers will be able to walk you through.

These procedures help to ensure safety and security in our Central Kids environments.

At Central Kids, we ask that our volunteers and families adhere to the following guidelines to make sure everyone in attendance can have a safe and healthy experience:

  • No fever for the last 24 hours above 100.4º
  • No colds or coughs
  • No flu symptoms (no vomiting within the last 24 hours)
  • No contagious rashes or diseases
  • If your child is being treated with antibiotics, he or she must take the antibiotics for at least 24 hours before attending programming.

No. While we believe that this is the best area for your kids to learn about Jesus on their level in a way that is exciting and designed just for them, they can attend service with you.
